22:13:03.306 19.09.2024


Contract number 104115
Product name Водоэмульсия
Product brand
Product Size
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Product type
Product class
Tnved 3209100009
Product group Прочие
Product category Building materials and metals
Section Строительные материалы
Unit килограмм
Lot 1
Currency Узбекский сум
Price 17000
Bail amount 1 %
Delevry conditions EXW
Location Г. Ташкент, Бектимирский р-н, Нуравшон МФЙ, ул. Тойона дом 1А
Country Республика Узбекистан
Contract type Internal
Delevry period 15
Payment period 5
Information on VAT Payers 311163424-
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Special conditions ---
Account balance 201018600010150000098990001